Monday, July 23, 2007

Motto: Tranforming the Mind, Molding the Heart

In Ghana, we run basic Peace Education Awareness activities and Capacity building Trainings in Four(4) main areas ; we offer Certificate for intensive Eight(8) weeks in;
Counseling and Trauma Healing.
We run an eight weeks intensive capacity building training for Community Leaders, CBO/NGO staffs, Teachers, managers, Directors etc in the area of Counseling and Trauma Healing. These classes are run on saturdays on the Buduburam settlement . Our activities include lectures, group discussions, group presentations among others. Some topics cover include Introduction to Counseling and Psychology,Empathy, Trustbuilding, Emotions, Reframing, Verbal and Non verbal communication skills, Body language etc. Classes run for 4 hours starting 9am to 2pm including break.Exceptional classes are run at the office from monday to Friday.

CBO/NGO Management and Social Work

We run an eight weeks intensive capacity building training for CBO/NGO staffs, managers, Directors etc. These classes are run on saturdays within the Buduburam settlement . Our activities include lectures, group discussions, group presentations among others. Topics cover include Basic proposal writing skills, Project management concept , Advocacy, Lobby etc. Classes run for 4 hours starting 9am to 2pm including break.Exceptional classes are run at the office from monday to Friday.

Peace Building and Education

We run an eight weeks intensive capacity building training for Community Peacebuilders ,NGO/CBO Volunteers,Teachers, managers, Directors etc. These classes are run on saturdays within the Buduburam settlement . Our activities include lectures, group discussions, group presentations among others. Topics cover include Overview of Conflict and Peace, Introduction to Human to Human Right, Bullying, Stereotype, Violence and its types,etc. Classes run for 4 hours starting 9am to 2pm including break.Exceptional classes are run at the office from monday to Friday.

Private School Management and Leadership
We run an eight weeks intensive capacity building training for Headmasters, Principals, School Administrators and Teachers etc. These classes are run on saturdays within the Buduburam settlement . Our activities include lectures, group discussions, group presentations among others. Topics cover include Introduction to Teaching and Classroom Management, Leadership concept in School management,The School Climate,Lesson Notes preparation and Presenation, Curriculum Design and Four steps of Teaching among others . Classes run for 4 hours starting 9am to 2pm including break.Exceptional classes are run at the office from monday to Friday.

Millenniun Dream Women Skill Training Project (Mildrew)

We are presently managing a Women Skill training Project in the area of Cake Decoration and Pastry. These actvities are run three days a week on the settlement( Monday, Wednesday and Friday) starting from 8am to 2pm.Women are taught basic skills in cake making & decoration, home economics and Pastry. These women are young girls, windows, school drop out, among other

Child early learning Foundation School

We run weekly academic classes at the Children Early Learning Foundation. This project is implemented by one of our current student and Volunteer staffs. Classses are run from monday to friday in a three classroom building and one office on the settlement. Most of the students are orphans, Street Children and low income families among others.

The Center run week days AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM for children with special needs.This program currently have (15) Fifteen students. This Program is run three days a week.

We also run WOMEN ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAM for Twenty (20) Students.
We conduct clasess and activities in the area of; Peace Education, Creative Writing, Speaking, Drawing, Basic Math, Music and Health Education.


  • 100 Women Empowerment Workshop
  • The Role of Youth in Achieving the MDGs by 2015
  • Peace and Counselling Cell for Liberian Repatriation Project
  • Critical Thinking and Creative planning for Peaceful Societies
  • Millennium Development Goals Awareness Week
  • International Disbled Day (IDD) Celebration

Freelance Proposal Writing, Research & Survey, Networking, Workshop Organisation , Counselling , Local and International Volunteering.

Peace and Conflcit Resolution Workshop

Women Rights & Gender Equality Workshop

Family Empowerment to Stop Child Poverty Workshop
CBO/NGO Management Concept Workshop,
International Youth Day Summit , Accra-Ghana